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Let's Turn PA's 7th Congressional Blue

Lamont McClure for PA

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Why I'm Running

Public service was instilled in me at the kitchen table. My late Dad was a lifelong public servant who made sure that older folks and others had safe, affordable housing in which to live. My Mom broke the glass ceiling on her school board becoming the first woman to be its President.

We weren't well-to-do — far from it. My Mom and Dad had their share of financial hardships, but through it all they taught me that whatever God-given talent I may have, I have an obligation to use it in the service of others as well as myself.

That's why I'm running to serve you in Congress representing Pennsylvania's 7th Congressional District. Whether I was fighting the world's largest corporations and their insurance companies on behalf of Steelworkers and other Trades people, who through no fault of their own were sickened by asbestos, or while on Northampton County Council battling to protect the elderly residents of our nursing home from being sold out to a for profit corporation, or as County Executive taking on the opioid manufacturers who caused so much death and devastation through the fentanyl crisis, I've always been a fighter on your side against the powerful interests.

The utter chaos unleashed on us by Trump and the billionaire appointees may seem overwhelming, but there is hope. We've shown in Northampton County that you can provide important services such as mental health, drug and alcohol and protection for our older residents, while cutting taxes and cutting the size of government.

You don't have to turn everything upside down and put at risk youth in danger, or fail to get that speech delayed youth services, to reduce taxes and reduce the size of government too.

I'm running to represent you. To protect you. To fight the corporations and powerful interests the way I always have.

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Meet Lamont

After Lamont G. McClure was sworn in as County Executive of Northampton County in January 2018, he moved rapidly to make his vision of a greener, healthier, and more economically successful County a reality.

Executive McClure sees the future of Northampton County as ‘green’, ensuring that parks, trails, and open space will still be in place for our children and grandchildren to hunt, fish, and hike. During his time in office, Executive McClure promised to fight against warehouse proliferation, and he’s achieving that by preserving over 622 acres of open space and environmentally sensitive land between 2018 and 2023 and investing $25 million in the preservation of farmland. Since 2018, Northampton County Farmland Preservation has preserved 3,812 acres on 73 farms, with another 1,000 potential acres added to the program in 2024, ensuring future generations benefit from our agricultural heritage.

Gracedale Nursing Home remains in the hands of the County, thanks to Executive McClure. Gracedale, the largest public nursing home under one roof in Pennsylvania and which also took the hardest hit from the pandemic, will continue to be County-owned and County-operated. Additionally, more caseworker positions have been added in the Human Services department to protect our most vulnerable residents better.

In 2020, Executive McClure oversaw the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which included establishing drive-through testing sites and allocating PPE to municipalities. With the help of County Council, he distributed over $25 million in grants to 766 small businesses administered through the CARES Act and 1,146 small businesses grants administered through the ARP Act.

Executive McClure accomplished all of this without raising taxes in the five budgets he presented. In fact, he cut taxes by $1 million.

Executive McClure is a lifelong Pennsylvania resident. He attended Wilkes University, majoring in History and International Studies, and in 1995, he earned his Juris Doctorate from The Law School of Duquesne. He began practicing law soon afterward, specializing in workers compensation and asbestos cases. Despite his busy career, he managed to find time to serve his fellow citizens in government.

Executive McClure sat on Northampton County’s Council from 2006 to 2013, where he was best known as a tireless advocate for protecting open space and fighting to keep Gracedale under county control. Mindful of the County’s taxpayers, he authored a law to distribute revenue from casinos to impacted townships, and he led the fight to help homeowners facing foreclosure.

Please make donation checks payable to McClure for PA and mail to:

PO Box 3034, Bethlehem, PA 18017

Paid for by McClure for PA